It’s Just Speaz

That’s All…

Wordless Wednesday February 11, 2009

Filed under: Wordless Wednesday — justspeaz @ 8:59 pm



10 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday”

  1. Granny Says:

    Pretty girl, even with her tooth missing!

  2. Janna Says:

    Oooh! Was she excited or a little freaked out? She IS gorgeous…

  3. jesse Says:

    I bet that was one heck of a fight!!!

  4. Emily Straw Says:


  5. Mom Says:

    She’s so precious and looks so grown up. Almost like a 7 year old who’ll be in second grade….almost…..not quite yet.

  6. Corrie Says:

    Wow!!! That’s quite a large hole, just perfect for a straw 🙂
    She is SO pretty!

  7. mommyrose Says:

    Aww, she is so cute!

  8. Carrie Says:

    Beautiful new smile, and gorgeous braids!

  9. Mom Says:

    I hear she doesn’t look like that anymore. Why don’t you blog about it?

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