It’s Just Speaz

That’s All…

2 All Beef Patties September 30, 2008

Filed under: Parenting — justspeaz @ 10:35 am
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This weekend the family and I traveled to CO for a retreat with our church out there. It’s a twelve hour drive, so we were planning on making some fast food stops. We haven’t really been eating fast food out here, because we’re too far away to make it convenient at all. Which, is good, so that last time we had McDonald’s was our last trip to CO, over two months ago. First stop about 8am McDonald’s: Albuquerque. This is one of the fancy new “McCafe” ones. Which, really just means no playland and fancy paint. This is really a bummer when you’re planning on packing your kids back in the car for another 8-9 hours. We walk in the kids assess the Happy Meal toys and (of course) they want Happy Meals. Rob and I are thinking that might be a good idea to help keep them busy in the car. We get up to the counter, and are informed they don’t have breakfast Happy Meals. Fabulous.

So, this is why we end up at McDonalds again. Stop number two about 2pm Pueblo. Great, we find another “McCafe.” But, this one is even better. Not only do they not have a playland, they have two giant, flat screen TVs blaring (I am not kidding here folks, it was L O U D) either Disney Channel, or Nick Jr. So, McDonalds is serving my kids fatty heart attack inducing food, with supposedly healthy choices (excuse me while I roll my eyes at the apple slices). And, they’re encouraging them to sit on their butts, eyes glued to the TV while they eat that fabulous nutritious goodness. Wasn’t McDonald’s trying to go away from all of this? I’m confused.


McDonald’s, you McFail.